A healthy gut can reverse autism, major study finds
About the author: Bryan Hubbard https://wddty.com/news/2017/06/a-healthy-gut-can-reverse-autism-major-study-finds.html June 22nd 2017 in Autism, Constipation It's nothing to do with the brain—autism can be checked and even reversed by focusing on the gut, a major review has concluded. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often starts when the gut is compromised—such as from toxins or antibiotics—which causes an imbalance between 'good' and 'bad' bacteria. The imbalance makes the gut lining more permeable, and toxins, and even undigested foods, can get into the bloodstream and to the brain. Many environmental factors can compromise the gut, from antibiotics to the health of the mother, and the length of time a baby was breastfed, said Dr Qinrui Li if Peking University in China, whose team reviewed more than 150 papers. The conclusion is borne out by the experiences of many autistic children, who often complain of gut problems, such as diarrhea, constipation or flatulence. But the cause also holds the key to a solution, he says. Restoring the gut microbiota can also go a long way to reversing the problem, and taking probiotics, prebiotics, or changing the diet to one that is gluten- and casein-free had a positive impact on symptoms. Introducing these dietary changes improved sociability, reduced repetitive behaviour and enhanced social communication. Dr Li described the findings as a "breakthrough" in autism treatment. References (Source: Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 2017; 11: doi: 10.3389/fncel.2017.00120 Opmerkingen zijn gesloten.
AuteurNathalie Parmentier est Homéopathe Uniciste. Elle soigne ses patients avec des conseils alimentaires, des suppléments alimentaires et des prescriptions en Homéopathie Uniciste. Archieven
September 2019
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wat patiënten vertellen...Nathalie neemt echt de tijd om naar mij te luisteren. Dat waardeer ik enorm! Ze geeft ook vaak voedingsadviezen in ondersteuning van de homeopathisch behandeling, wat helpt om sneller resultaten te zien. Verder heeft de homeopathische behandeling mij van mijn klachten af geholpen. Na een tijdje kon ik ook, in overleg met mijn arts, mijn medicijngebruik afbouwen. De consulten werden grotendeels vergoed door mijn zorgverzekeraars. |
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